01277 416503 | 07753 839852 pwb1@yahoo.com


Having your equipment professionally tested by one of our technicians helps to prevent injuries or even deaths at your workplace. The Health & Safety Executive states that 25% of all reportable electrical accidents involve portable appliances. The Electricity at Work Regulations Act place a legal responsibility on employers, employees and self-employed persons to comply with the provisions of the regulations and take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that no danger results from the use of such equipment. This in effect requires the implementation of a systematic and regular program of maintenance, inspection and testing.

The Health and Safety Executive states that there are 1,200 accidents in a work place reported every year involving shocks and burns, 35 of which are fatal. The Electricity at Work (EAW) Regulations 1989 therefore requires employers and self-employed persons to take reasonable, practical steps to minimise the risks involved with using electrical appliances. The easiest and most comprehensive way to do this is by way of Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing).

In addition, employers and landlords can satisfy insurers and indeed obtain reductions in insurance premiums by providing evidence of regular portable appliance testing.

Insurance companies assume that when giving insurance cover to a business, the owners of that business are complying with all regulations necessary. An insurance company may reduce, delay or even refuse to pay on a claim for damage if an untested appliance has caused the damage.

In today’s culture, pat testing is the easiest way to satisfy the demands of the law and ensure that you are looking after your employees. Below are just some of the reasons why you should get your appliances tested:

To comply with Quality Assurances

To minimise the risk of fire and injury caused by electrical appliances.

To comply with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations

To comply with all Health & Safety requirements and ISO standards

To comply with The Electricity at Work Regulations

To satisfy your Insurance Company

As part of your Fire Risk Assessment compliance


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